These are some recently acquired material from fairs, ebay etc. They are not uncommon but still should be interesting to some collectors of our areas.
This is Sandakan D10 which was mainly used for fiscal purposes between June 1900 and November 1904. It is not uncommon but is a good looking cancellation. This is the best one I have so far.
I bought at the same time as the Sandakan D10. This is a nice Singapore cancel on a Labuan adhesive and probably represented paquebot use.
On the top left corner is, I am fairly sure, a boxed Paid cancellation from Kuching, Sarawak. The significance of this cancellation remains uncertain. With the manuscript part signature on this adhesive, it looks likely that it also had a fiscal function.
I can never get enough of these Retour covers. This one is not that ancient and dated from 1950. It was sent from Brunei to Brisbane. It has various nice postal markings including INCONNU NOT KNOWN. There is a Dead Letter Office cancellation in red which is possibly uncommon. It was sold to me by a good friend in the Sarawak Specialist Society.