Saturday, 13 August 2022

Labuan errors and varieties update

The original post was in September 2020. Readers can read it again by clicking the link here. Since then I have managed to find some other items which maybe of interest.

This is the 6c orange brown from the 1880 issue as seen by the clear Crown CC watermark. It is the "no dot in Jawi upper left" variety.

Somehow I have managed to collect 4 used and 1 mint copy. Stamp no. 4 has a unusual rare cancellation which was probably the fore runner of the subsequent very common 9 bar cancellation.

I have acquired another interesting re-entry stamp of the 1896 Jubilee overprint issue. This is the stamp on the left with a different re-entry to the right of the palm tree. Not only this, the stamp was perforated and cut to a smaller size. Look carefully at the last letter in "Jubilee" and the "E" looks a bit different. I thought it was possibly omitted during the overprinting and then reinserted subsequently but that would be too much of a occurrence. These re-entries are so obvious and should justify being listed as an additional variety in the catalogues. Again readers can refresh on what was written before in this blog by clicking this link. 

Update 16 Aug 2022
Went to the local stamp fair today and bought these two stamp varieties.

The 10c brown has the "missing stroke to Chinese character" and the 16c blue, the "no right foot to second Chinese character" varieties.

A timely reminder to my faithful readers 2 sayings there can describe the richness and mysteries of philately:
Philately is the art of uncovering errors, mistakes and imperfections.
The last word in philately is never written.

So long these 2 statements endure, I shall carry on collecting stamps!